An important part of any RPG is combat, and you can’t have combat without monsters for the characters to fight against. This section is intended for use by the Master to create the zombies, demons, and war machines that the characters must overcome.
Step 1: Concept
As with creating a character, the first step in building a monster is to decide what it is. Is it a small, quick fairy with magical attacks? Or is it a hulking Behemoth with incredible strength and power?
Step 2: Base Stats
All monsters get a total of 25 + (Level * 5) points to allocate between the five stats.
Step 3: Derived Stats
Hit Points are equal to 30 + (VIT * 20) + (Level * 10).
Magic Points are equal to (SPR + Level) / 2.
Attack Power is equal to (STR * 2).
Magic Attack Power is equal to (MAG * 2).
All other derived stats are calculated the same way as for players.
Step 4: Attack Damage
The Master may decide how powerful the monster’s normal attacks should be - either d6, d8, or d10. The number of dice rolled is equal to the monster’s Strength Dice. All physical and magical damage is calculated in the same way as for players - (Die Roll * 5) + Attack Power.
Step 5: Monster Powers
Monsters, like characters, have special and unique powers, and more powerful monsters have stronger, more powerful abilities. Monsters use a simplified version of the Tech Creation System. Monster Techs are created as normal, but monsters do not have Tech Points. Instead, they have a number of Tech Levels equal to 1 + (MAG / 5). The powers that a monster has access to may be normal Techs, a special, monster-only power from the list below, or a new and unusual power of the Master’s devising. Level X Powers on the Monster Power List have a variable Tech Level. Level 0 Powers are free for any monster to use.
Monster Power List
Level X Powers
Combination Attack
May only be chosen by a monster with Multiple Parts. Power Level is equal to the number of Multiple Parts possessed. If ALL parts are intact, they may all combine their actions for the round into one powerful attack or Tech that deals 50% more damage than normal. The attack costs no MP.
Exceptional Stats
The monster gains 10 additional stat points per Tech Level of the Exceptional Stats power. Increasing MAG with this power does NOT affect the monster's total Tech Points.
Final Attack
When killed, the monster unleashes a powerful final attack. The attack can only be used when the monster dies, takes no MP, and has a level equal to the level of Final Attack plus one. A level 1 monster with Final Attack as its first power would get a Level 2 power as its Final Attack. An alternate version of Final Attack is that the monster can use the power at any time, but sacrifices himself to do so- such as a Bomb’s Exploder attack.
Multiple Parts
The monster, usually a boss, is made up of several separate parts- the main body, which has normal HP, and up to three other parts. The total HP of the extra parts adds up to half the HP of the main body. The monster dies if the main body is destroyed, but the additional parts can often make this difficult. The level of this power is equal to twice the number of extra parts the monster has. Each additional part has access to one power. The Tech Level of this power is equal to half the Tech Level of the most powerful Tech the main monster knows. If one part is destroyed, the monster may revive it as a normal action after at least 1d3+1 rounds have passed.
Level 0 Powers
The monster is undead. All drain-type attacks are reversed, meaning the user loses HP or MP and the monster gains it. The monster gains Absorbency to Shadow damage, and a Weakness to Holy damage. Cure spells and Healing Techs deal damage instead of restoring HP.
Unusual Defense
Due to some racial characteristic, the monster takes either half damage from Physical attacks and double damage from Magical attacks, or vice versa. As an alternate form of this power, the monster will automatically reverse its defenses every 1d2 rounds- it shifts from being weak against Physical and strong against Magical, to being strong against Physical and weak against Magical.
The monster has a Weakness to one element. Each Weakness that the monster has grants 1 additional Tech Level to the maximum that the monster can learn.
Level 1 Powers
The monster is capable of flight, putting it out of reach of most weapons. Short-range weapons suffer a penalty to hit flying creatures; see Chapter VI: Combat for details.
Item Use
The monster possesses either one Potion or one Ether it may use during combat. Note that the characters will not necessarily find this item if the monster dies without using it.
Lesser Counterattack
The monster has a 10% chance to counterattack any physical attack against it with a normal attack.
Lesser Magical Counterattack
The monster has a 10% chance to counterattack any magical attack against it with a magical Tech of its own.
Command Skill
The monster has learned one Command Skill from Chapter IV, which it can use for a cost of 4 MP. Note: Not all Command Skills are appropriate for monsters, such as Capture or Coin Toss.
The monster has a Resistance to one element.
Weak Status Touch
The monster can inflict a negative status condition with its normal attack. Treat Weak Status Touch as a Level 1 Status Effect with no MP cost and half the normal chance of success.
Level 2 Powers
The monster’s Evade is doubled.
Call Minions
The monster can take one turn to call for one of its minions, who arrives at the end of the round to join the battle. The monster that is called must be at least 10 levels lower than the caller.
The monster has an Immunity to one element.
Weak Regeneration
The monster has a lesser form of regeneration, regaining 5% of its maximum HP per round.
Level 3 Powers
Controlled Defense
As the Level 0 Power Unusual Defense, but the monster may shift forms at will as a free action.
The monster has a 25% chance to counterattack any physical attack against it with a normal attack.
Lesser Absorbency
The monster has a Lesser Absorbency to one element.
Magical Counterattack
The monster has a 25% chance to counterattack any magical attack against it with a magical Tech of its own.
Major Item Use
The monster possesses either one Hi Potion or one Hi Ether it may use during combat. Note that the characters will not necessarily find this item if the monster dies without using it.
Status Touch
The monster can inflict a negative status condition with its normal attack. Treat Status Touch as a Level 3 Status Effect with no MP cost and half the normal chance of success.
Level 4 Powers
Call for Help
The monster calls for another monster of the same type, who arrives at the end of the round to join the battle. Because the monster must be the same type as the one that calls for help, boss monsters cannot choose this power.
The monster is so powerful that at the beginning of each round, all of its enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned for that round.
Greater Absorbency
The monster has a Greater Absorbency to one element.
The monster regenerates injuries quickly, regaining 10% of its maximum HP per round.
Level 5 Powers
Force of Will
The monster’s Level 5 power is actually a level 2 or lower Tech that it may use for no MP cost. Use this power responsibly!
Powerful Item Use
The monster possesses either one Super Potion or one Super Ether it may use during combat. Note that the characters will not necessarily find this item if the monster dies without using it.
Strong Status Touch
The monster can inflict a negative status condition with its normal attack. Treat Strong Status Touch as a Level 5 Status Effect with half the normal chance of success.
Level 6 Powers
Call for Superiors
The monster summons a more powerful monster to aid it in battle. The monster arrives at the end of the round to join the battle. The called monster must be no more than 10 levels higher than the caller.
Greater Counterattack
The monster has a 50% chance to counterattack any physical attack against it with a normal attack.
Greater Fear
The monster is so powerful that at the beginning of each round, all of its enemies have a 20% chance to be Stunned for that round.
Greater Force of Will
The monster’s Level 6 power is actually a level 3 or lower Tech that it may use for no MP cost. Use this power responsibly!
Greater Magical Counterattack
The monster has a 50% chance to counterattack any magical attack against it with a magical Tech of its own.
Step 6: Rewards
Monsters have an Experience Point value equal to (Level * 35), and an amount of gold equal to (Level * 15). Both values are divided up between all surviving characters when the monster is defeated. Many monsters also leave behind items when they are defeated, or have items that may be stolen. Usually, the item is related to the monster or its abilities. For example, while a goblin may drop a short sword when defeated, a giant bird most likely will not. If a monster has a Drop Item, it has a 30% chance to give up the item when defeated. Steal Items can only be found by using the Steal Minor Ability. A monster may have one, neither, or both types of items, and may have more than one of each.
Boss Monsters
Some monsters are bigger and tougher than their fellows. These monsters are called Boss Monsters, and are often the leaders of other, lesser monsters. Boss Monsters should generally be of a higher level than the characters. In addition, all bosses have TEN TIMES the normal amount of Hit Points, and DOUBLE the normal amount of Magic Points. Bosses give (150 * Level) Experience Points and (Level * 75) Gold when defeated. All Boss Monsters are immune to Stone, Demi, Death Sentence, and instant death attacks, and many bosses are immune to other effects as well. Boss Monsters with Drop Items will ALWAYS drop them when killed, but Steal Items must be stolen normally.